Saturday 21 July 2007

excess living

Ive just come back from the cinema. (if your looking to see a great feel good movie - see 'Hairspray' - i loved it :-) We're regular cinema goers in our family and as such every now and then our loyalty card gives us a "free" something. Todays was a large drink and popcorn. I love popcorn me.

As the vendor gave me my sack of popcorn, she informed me that I could get free unlimited top ups! Free topups? crikey, it was already the size of a sack of potatoes! My imeadiate idea was to go into the cinema theater and announce to the collected audience that the popcorn was on me!... which lead me to wonder how much popcorn could i get to feed the hungry homeless outside the cinema? Now i didnt quite go that far, but it didnt take long to realise that if we pinched some of the paper bags from the pick and mix sweet stand, we could fill individual bags for all our family and go back get a refill and some more bags and give popcorn to our freinds there too. lovely!

Now heres the point of my story..... clearly the popcorn costs next to nothing to the cinema, if they can give it away so freely (so why do they charge so much for it in the first place??) As a result of this, the audience eating it dont value it as much (and dont really need as much as they take) which is clearly evident after the movie is over and the audience has left the auditorium.
I am always slightly disgusted at our species when i see the mess left behind us at the cinema.

Now here REALLY IS my point..... why dont they put bins in cinemas? why are we content to leave / throw our unwanted popcorn (and drinks cartons, sweet papers, nacho boxes etc etc) on the floor or seat? what pigs we are.
So heres a thought.... if I was to invent a nutritious reciepe using popcorn as the main ingredient then it would be in peoples interest to take home their left over popcorn to use in tomorrows dinner!

or maybe the cinema could sell popcorn that would make great garden fertiliser? (hmm might need to think that one through!)


Andy Burnett said...

I have been reading a bit about insulation systems recently - particularly the role of nanotechnology. Anyway, puffed up bits of corn might make excellent insulators for garden sheds. In fact, if you filled the shed with popcorn, and then developed butter resistant clothes you could just wade through the stuff and be all warm and cosy all the time.

spideytim said...

AND loose fill puffy stuff like popcarn also makes excellent biodegradable cushion packaging! we should offer to collect it from the floor of the cinema and sell it to Amazon